The State Clean Electricity Transition Tracker India (Scetti) website showcases publicly available technical and policy data on energy policies at both the national and state level, including but not limited to, renewable energy policies, electricity consumption (per capita and categorised by source), financial policies for energy generation and laws and action plans prepared on electricity and renewable energy generation and access.
The data, both technical and policy, has been tagged under three broad categories - (1) Access; (2) Environment; and (3) Financial. This categorisation broadly corresponds to the minimal outcomes of universal electricity access and quality of electricity supply [Access], financial health and stability of the electricity utilities and electricity system [Financial], and the environmental quality/impacts of the electricity sector particularly through energy efficiency measures and promotion of renewable energy [Environment] which ought to be the ultimate goals of any electricity sector [following Navroz K. Dubash, Sunila S. Kale, and Ranjit Bharvirkar (eds.), Mapping Power: The Political Economy of Electricity in India’s States (2018), at p. 13]
The Scetti website includes policies that are formally approved by the relevant governmental institutions, and does not include policy proposals. The technical data includes a combination of official data prepared by the respective governmental bodies, and from reputed international and national organisations that have publicly and transparently collected and published the concerned data. At this stage, datasets sourced from both government and reputed non-government sources have not been independently verified under this project. We appreciate any inputs on errors noticed in the datasets.
All datasets used to render the Data Dashboard are freely available for download. We also make available State Profiles for each state that are also freely available for download.
The design and overall conceptualisation of this website and the Scetti dashboard began in January 2022 as part of an (eventually successful) application for the Subak Fellowship.The work has benefited tremendously from feedback, inputs, and guidance shared by a wide range of well-wishers and supporters from Subak, Ember, Climate Policy Radar, Vasudha Power Info Hub , and the Initiative for Climate Action between January 2022 and March 2023.
The next phase of Scetti will endeavour to further validate and improve upon the design of the dashboard and the state profiles, scale up the data coverage in terms of types of datasets and time-coverage, improve the visual features and analytics generated, improve upon the categorisation and linking of the technical and policy data, and overall, provide more focused and nuanced insights for policy opportunities to transition electricity generation away from coal in states in India.
The Scetti website only tracks data until 31-Dec-2022 and currently we are only publishing a limited time-series (usually one year for many technical parameters) on the website as part of our beta launch. While every effort will be made to keep the data up-to-date, there may be some situations where the data is out of date. Usually this will be because data has not been updated by the original publisher.
While this website is intended to provide a holistic picture of both policy and technical data at a State/UT level, there are inherent limitations to the depiction of such data, including an inability to graphically represent policy data and an inability to correlate different data sets due to limited information or technical ability.
There are certain data sets, which while relevant for the overall conversation on electricity policy, are beyond the scope of this project in its initial stage. This includes, but is not limited to, pollution from vehicles, the impact on labour from a transition towards renewable energy, and the differential impact on different economic groups from a transition towards renewable energy. Similarly, the impact of different policies, including but not limited to their impact on tribal rights, impact on forest conservation, and economic viability, have not been assessed. We note that these, among other issues, require further research and analysis to provide a complete picture of the decarbonisation of India’s energy generation.