About us
Ambar Nag
Ambar is a data scientist with 20 years’ consulting experience across Consumer Goods and Healthcare at firms ranging in size from industry giant (Genpact, TCS) to early-stage startup. His last industry position was as Product Manager of an Omnichannel Platform which is now part of Definitive Healthcare’s Passport Analytics Suite.
After obtaining a Masters degree in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Ambar promptly abandoned academics but retained his fondness for books. Ambar has always been passionate about the environment, helping communities to set up waste segregation and composting in collaboration with SWMRT of Bengaluru. The Subak Fellowship is not his first brush with open data either. Back in 2015 Ambar had worked on an open data platform under IChangeMyCity.com. The platform equips citizens with hyper-local data to catalyze meaningful interaction with elected representatives and government officials at the municipal level.
In his free time Ambar likes to read pop science, record Garageband covers of rock classics, and interview prominent Indian rationalists for his YouTube channel.
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